How to write a type-safe unwrap (aka fromJust)

Tips and tricks for writing functions that take proofs as arguments.

Let's say you've written a programming language in Coq. You have nice inductives for your ASTs; one for untyped terms (UntypedAST) and one for typed terms (TypedAST). You wrote a simple typechecker, and maybe an interpreter, too!

typecheck : UntypedAST -> option TypedAST
interp : TypedAST -> Value

You write a few programs…

Example well_typed := UAdd (UNat 1) (UNat 1).
Example ill_typed := UAdd (UNat 1) (UBool true).

… typecheck them:

Definition tc_good := typecheck well_typed.
= Some {| tau := Nat; ast := TAdd (TNat 1) (TNat 1) |} : option TypedAST
Definition tc_bad := typecheck ill_typed.
= None : option TypedAST

… and attempt to run them:

The term "tc_good" has type "option TypedAST" while it is expected to have type "TypedAST".

D'oh! interp takes a TypedAST, but typecheck returns an option. What do we do?

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Computing with opaque proofs

Computations with dependent types often get stuck on rewrites that use opaque lemmas. When the corresponding equality is decidable, these lemmas don't need to be made transparent to unblock computation.

A fairly common occurrence when working with dependent types in Coq is to call Compute on a benign expression and get back a giant, partially-reduced term, like this:

Import EqNotations Vector.VectorNotations.
= match match Nat.add_1_r 3 in (_ = H) return (Vector.t nat H) with | eq_refl => [1; 2; 3; 4] end as c in (Vector.t _ H) return (match H as c0 return (Vector.t nat c0 -> Type) with | 0 => fun _ : Vector.t nat 0 => False -> forall x1 : Prop, x1 -> x1 | S x => fun _ : Vector.t nat (S x) => nat end c) with | [] => fun x : False => match x return (forall x0 : Prop, x0 -> x0) with end | h :: _ => h end : (fun (n : nat) (_ : Vector.t nat (S n)) => nat) 3 (rew [Vector.t nat] Nat.add_1_r 3 in ([1; 2; 3] ++ [4]))

This post shows how to work around this issue.

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